Tech Developments in Pittsburgh | Walnut Capital Blog
New Properties Coming Soon!
Are you looking for that new new? Two apartment communities are currently under construction right now! Check out The Jones Tower in South Side and The Caroline in Oakland to see if they are a good fit for you. 


2050 look-ahead: Developments in Pittsburgh driven by tech hubs, housing demands

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Where mills once sat along the Monongahela River in Pittsburgh’s Hazelwood neighborhood, a sprawling development now stands as a symbol of the shift from a steel town to a city built on education, medicine and technology.

Dubbed Hazelwood Green, the onetime brownfield is situated on 178 acres of riverside property. It will house Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Innovation Center and a biomanufacturing facility launched by the University of Pittsburgh.

As Pittsburgh embraces a new identity in the 21st century, one focused on innovation and technology, city leaders say that transformation has helped drive how development has looked in recent years — and what it will look like in the future.

Read the full story here.

Trib Live | Julia Burdelski